Background: Improved recognition and awareness of compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction as basic components of professional quality of life among mental health nurses are expected to prevent emotional exhaustion, and aid in the identification of appropriate coping strategies and quality intervention. Aim: To determine the effect of training program about compassion on professional quality of life of psychiatric nurses. Study design: A quasi-experimental research design. Tool of the study: Professional Quality of Life Scale Version 5. Sample: All available nurses who provide direct care for psychiatric patients (50) nurses at the time of the study. Setting. The study was conducted at The Psychiatry Center of Tanta University. Results: The result revealed that there were statistically significant difference in total score of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress through phases training program . Conclusion: The study concluded compassion has positive effect on improving professional quality of life of mental health nurses, and also confirmed the effect of educational training program. Recommendations: The study recommended by t in services training program for nurses about; how to assess and improve professional quality of life
Dewidar, A. E., Gado, E., Gemeay, E., & sabra, A. (2022). Effect of Training Program about Compassion on Professional Quality of Life of Mental Health Nurses. International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research, 2(2), 81-97. doi: 10.21608/ejnsr.2022.212300
Abd El-Salam MAHMOUD Dewidar; Eslam Mohamed Gado; Essmat Mohamed Gemeay; Amal Ibrahim sabra. "Effect of Training Program about Compassion on Professional Quality of Life of Mental Health Nurses", International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research, 2, 2, 2022, 81-97. doi: 10.21608/ejnsr.2022.212300
Dewidar, A. E., Gado, E., Gemeay, E., sabra, A. (2022). 'Effect of Training Program about Compassion on Professional Quality of Life of Mental Health Nurses', International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research, 2(2), pp. 81-97. doi: 10.21608/ejnsr.2022.212300
Dewidar, A. E., Gado, E., Gemeay, E., sabra, A. Effect of Training Program about Compassion on Professional Quality of Life of Mental Health Nurses. International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research, 2022; 2(2): 81-97. doi: 10.21608/ejnsr.2022.212300