Peer Review Process

  1. The editor-in-chief of the journal (and the editor-in-chief) may be authorized to follow the journal's website throughout the day to receive research from researchers and also select arbitrators with a minimum of two arbitrations. In case of conflict between the two arbitrators' reports, third, fourth, and more arbitrators are required, if necessary.

  2. The editor-in-chief (the editor-in-chief may also be authorized) to follow up on the research arbitration and present it to editors who in turn review it and write to researchers and arbitrators until the research is accepted or rejected and the final decision to accept or reject the research is from the editor-in-chief (and the editor-in-chief may be authorized.

  3. The editor-in-chief (the editor-in-chief) may be delegated the right to call for a special issue, especially if the invitation is addressed to one of the acclaimed professors in a specific field, and it is preferable to increase these special numbers as much as possible and for the board and the editor-in-chief has the right to reduce publishing costs in such These are special numbers.

  4. A prerequisite for conducting a similarity test or quoting Plagiarism on all research that reaches the immediately and before moving it to the editor and arbitrators.

  5. Listers of reviewers are responsible for the editor-in-chief or whomever he authorizes to do so from editorial assistants, taking into account the position of non-serious arbitrators in lists that prevent them from working.

  6. The editor-in-chief (the editor-in-chief) may delegate the right to follow up on the performance of journal editors, excluding those who do not have time for this volunteer work, as well as adding or deleting any editor as long as the work requires it.

  7. A proposal to set general rules for accepting research to be published and made public by researchers on the 's website.

  8. Proposing procedures for publication in the journal, as well as for various correspondences and dealings from researchers, arbitrators, and editors.

  9. Determining the dates of issuing the journal numbers and confirming them as announced on the journal's website, and also printing some hard copies if necessary. 

  10. The paper is then sent to two reviewers based on their qualifications, specialty and expertise. A double-blind review is used where both reviewers and the author remain and reviewers are anonymous. This prevents bias.