Instructional Guidelines Using Conversation Maps to Improve Self- Management for Diabetic Patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty of nursing- Helwan university- Helwan- Cairo

2 Lecturer in Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Helwan University, Egypt


Diabetes conversation map was developed as a new educational initiative tool that engages patients with type 2 diabetes in group discussions. It combines various educational theories and has proven to be an internationally effective diabetes education for self-care management. Aim: To evaluate the effect of educational guidelines using diabetes conversation map for diabetic patients Design: A quasi-experimental research design was used. Setting: The study was conducted at the diabetic outpatient clinic, affiliated to El Nasr Hospital for Health Insurance, Helwan, Egypt. Sample: A purposive sample of 160 patients was equally divided into two groups (conversation map and control). Tools: Two tools were used: (1) Structured interview questionnaire it include: Patient demographic characteristics, medical history, and Patients’ level of knowledge regarding diabetes mellitus. (2) Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire. Results: there were statistically significant improvements regarding mean knowledge scores and self-management pre to post implementation of diabetes conversation map within the conversation map group. Conclusion: The diabetes conversation map had an improvement effect on diabetic patients’ level of knowledge and self-management activities among conversation map group compared to control group. Recommendations: Further researches are indicated on a wide range to counsel diabetic patients about the impact of diabetes conversation map on improving level of knowledge and self-management activities.
