Effect of Foot Massage and Acupressure on Pain Levels and Physiological Parameters during Heel Lancing in Full-Term Neonates

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturers of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing / Tanta University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Community health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing / Tanta University, Egypt

3 Lecturer of Physical Medicine, Rheumatology, and Rehabilitation , Faculty of Medicine/ Tanta University, Egypt


Background: Pain has a deleterious impact on the emotional, physical, and social development of children of all ages. Acupressure and foot massage are two evidence-based non-pharmacological approaches for treating infants' acute pain during heel lancing. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of foot massage and acupressure on pain levels and physiological parameters during heel lancing in full-term neonates. Subjects and method: The experimental research design was adopted in this study. A systematic random sample of 120 full-term neonates with their parents was included in the study at Tanta City Maternal and Child Health Centers. Tools: two tools were used, Tool I: Structured interview schedule divided into four parts as follows; Socio-demographic characteristics of neonates, anthropometric physical parameters, physiological parameters, and heel stick procedure time. Tool II: Neonatal Infant Pain Scale observational checklist. Result: The half of neonates in the acupressure and massage groups had no/ mild pain during the heel lancing, while 65% in the control group had severe pain during heel lancing and there was a statistically significant difference of pain scores with P= 000 during the heel lancing in acupressure, massage, and control groups. Conclusion and recommendations: The study was concluded that acupressure and foot massage techniques were more effective either in Pain levels, Physiological Parameters and heel lancing time So; the researchers recommended that in-service training program for nurses and mothers should be conducted regularly to teach them non-pharmacological strategies for relieving pain in children of all ages.
