Correlation between Menopausal symptoms, Depressive Symptoms and Marital Satisfaction among Menopausal Women

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professors of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

2 Lecturer of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University


Background: Menopause is one of the developmental phases in women that may affecting psychological status and marital satisfaction among them, Menopausal transition is a stage when women experience irregular menstruation and termination of menstrual cycle. Aim of the study: This study designed to examine correlation between Menopausal symptoms, Depressive Symptoms and Marital Satisfaction among Menopausal Women. Design: a descriptive correlational design. Setting: This research was carried out at administrative and abdominal building of Benha university hospitals. Sample: A convenience sample of 100 menopausal women was chosen from the above mentioned settings. Tools for data collection: Four tools were used to collect data. (I): Structured Interview Questionnaire to evaluate clinical and socio -demographic characteristics (II): Overall Menopausal Symptoms Scale. (III): Beck Depression Inventory Scale. (IV): Marital Satisfaction Scale. Results: according to menopausal symptoms more than three-quarter (77%) of menopausal women complain from Joint pain and stiffness, more than two-third (69%) of them suffer from hair loss and more than half of them suffer from hot flashes, sleep disturbance, near three-quarter (72%) of menopausal women suffer from decrease in sexual desire and more than half (56%) of menopausal women suffer from vaginal dryness, according to depressive symptoms three quarter of the studied menopausal women have depressive symptoms ranged from mild, moderate to severe. Near half of them (44%) suffer moderate depression while 28%of them have severe depression, according to marital satisfaction nearly a quarter of the menopausal women evaluated had low marital satisfaction, according to this result. Only 4% of menopausal women in the study reported excellent marriage satisfaction, whereas nearly three-quarters of the women in this group reported only moderate marital satisfaction. Conclusion: there is a highly significant positive correlation between total menopausal symptoms and total depressive symptoms, while there is highly significant negative correlation between total menopausal symptoms and total marital satisfaction. There is highly significant negative correlation between total depressive symptoms and total marital satisfaction. Recommendations: All menopausal women should receive stress management, assertiveness training, and social skill training to alleviate their psychological problems and improve their coping skills.
