Introduction: Despite the fact that pre-screening education for mothers is widely acknowledged as important, mothers still have little information about neonatal screening. Aim of the study: this study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude of Egyptian mothers regarding neonatal screening tests for metabolic disorders and hearing loss. Design: to conduct this study, a descriptive cross-sectional research approach was selected. Setting:The study was carried out at Neonatal Unit and Pediatric Outpatient Clinics of Tanta Main University Hospital, El-Menshawy Hospital and El-Mabara Hospital. Subjects:A convenience sampling of 1500 mothers.Tools: Three tools were used. Tool I: Mothers' sociodemographic characteristics. Tool II: Mothers' knowledge about neonatal screening tests. Tool III: Mothers' attitude towards neonatal screening tests. Results: nearly two thirds of mothers showed sufficient level of general knowledge, while the majority of them had insufficient level of total specific knowledge about neonatal screening tests. More than three-quarters of mothers showed a positive attitude regarding neonatal screening tests. Conclusion: mothers had sufficient level of general knowledge and insufficient level of specific knowledge with positive attitude about screening tests. Recommendations: develop an educational program for mothers regarding neonatal screening at maternity and child health centers.
Ali, H., Gamal Eldeen, A., & Younis, A. (2024). Knowledge and Attitude of Egyptian Mothers Regarding Neonatal Screening Tests for Metabolic Disorders and Hearing Loss. International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research, 4(2), 143-158. doi: 10.21608/ejnsr.2024.334340
Heba Ibrahem Mohamed Ali; Amal Ahmed Ali Gamal Eldeen; Amal Abo El-Azm Abd El-Rahman Younis. "Knowledge and Attitude of Egyptian Mothers Regarding Neonatal Screening Tests for Metabolic Disorders and Hearing Loss", International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research, 4, 2, 2024, 143-158. doi: 10.21608/ejnsr.2024.334340
Ali, H., Gamal Eldeen, A., Younis, A. (2024). 'Knowledge and Attitude of Egyptian Mothers Regarding Neonatal Screening Tests for Metabolic Disorders and Hearing Loss', International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research, 4(2), pp. 143-158. doi: 10.21608/ejnsr.2024.334340
Ali, H., Gamal Eldeen, A., Younis, A. Knowledge and Attitude of Egyptian Mothers Regarding Neonatal Screening Tests for Metabolic Disorders and Hearing Loss. International Egyptian Journal of Nursing Sciences and Research, 2024; 4(2): 143-158. doi: 10.21608/ejnsr.2024.334340