Effect of Creative Teaching Intervention for Adolescents with Severe Refractory Asthma on their Own Medications Adherence, Asthma Control and Hospital Readmission

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt.

2 Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt.

3 Assistant professor of Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt.


Background: Severe refractory asthma characterized by difficulty in achieving disease control despite high-intensity treatment. Asthma burden is particularly notable in adolescents and associated with higher rates of prevalence and mortality compared with younger children. So, healthcare professionals should dedicate their effort to educate adolescents with severe refractory asthma. Aim: evaluate the effect of creative teaching intervention for adolescents with severe refractory asthma on their own medications' adherence, asthma control, and hospital readmission. Research design: A quasi- experimental design. Setting: The pediatric in-patient wards at Benha University Hospital. Sample: It is composed of 100 adolescents with severe refractory asthma who attended in the previous setting during study period. Tools of data collection: Tool I; Structured Interview Questionnaire, Tool II; observation checklist, Tool III: Asthma Morisky Medication Adherence Scale, Tool IV; Asthma Control Test. Tool V; Assessment sheet for asthma outcomes. Results: Less than two thirds of the adolescents in study group had high medication adherence level, and approximately two thirds of them had well asthma control, in addition to, two thirds did not readmit to the hospital after 30 post intervention with statistically significant differences between study and control group after the intervention. Conclusion: creative teaching intervention impacted positively on adolescent's knowledge level, practice, medications adherence, asthma control and decrease hospital readmission. Recommendation: Further studies for implementation of other creative teaching interventions for enhancement of asthma care should be done.
