Immigration And Career Shift Intention and Its Relation to Perceived Professional Image Among Staff Nurses

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University, Egypt.


Background: Healthcare system is facing various growing challenges. Nurses’ intention to leave their profession has been found one of these challenges. Immigration is most common among health professionals today and has become a global public issue. The immigration of nurses from developing to developed countries has become an international concern. Aim: Assess immigration and career shift intention and its relation to the perceived professional image among staff nurses. Design: A descriptive correlational study design was utilized. Setting: This study was conducted through an online survey to enable access to large and geographically distributed nurses all over Egypt. Study Sample: A convenience sample of (2434) staff nurses. Tools: Four tools were utilized for data collection: 1- Personal Data; 2-Profession Image Questionnaire; 3-Career Shift Assessment Questionnaire; and 4-Migration Intention Questionnaire. Results: The findings revealed that the majority (98. %) of nursing staff have moderate perception level of their image of the nursing profession, more than half (56.4%) of the participants have an intention to immigrate. Moreover, more than two-fifths (46.8%) of nursing staff have a moderate intention level toward shifting their career. Conclusions: There was a highly statistically significant positive correlation between nursing staff's perception of professional image and their career shift intention, and their intention immigration. Recommendations: The government must ensure that nurses receive competitive salaries that reflect their skills and experience. Also, offer comprehensive benefits packages, including healthcare, retirement plans, and professional development opportunities. Work with media outlets to highlight positive stories and contributions of nurses in healthcare settings and provide clear pathways for career advancement.                                       
