Factors Affecting Academic Performance among Nursing Students at Aswan University

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Al-Baha University;/ Lecturer of community Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Aswan University, Egypt.


Background: Academic performance of nursing students is a critical indicator of educational quality and future professional competence. Aim: To identify factors affecting academic performance among nursing students at Aswan University. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Setting: Faculty of Nursing, Aswan University. Subjects: A stratified sampling of 385 nursing students across all academic levels. Methods: Data were collected using a web-based questionnaire comprising four sections: personal data, family information, academic factors, and studying habits. Results: From all 385 nursing students participated in this study, 76.4% were females, and 23.6% were males. Less than three quarters (73.2%) of them had a high cumulative grade of very good and excellent compared to only 4% who had low cumulative grades (60%- 64%) and 22.8% had a cumulative grade of 65% – 74% (Good). Statistically significant relationships were found between students’ cumulative grade and age (p=0.002), chronic disease presence (p=0.033), monthly income (p<0.001), sleep duration (p=0.019), internet use for entertainment (p=0.032), difficulty concentrating during lectures (p=0.048), and classroom interaction (p=0.023). Other factors showed no significant associations. Conclusion: Academic performance among nursing students at Aswan University is influenced by socioeconomic status, parental education, inadequate library resources, classroom discomfort, and teacher-related factors including lack of motivation, insufficient preparation, poor punctuality, and limited use of teaching aids. Recommendations: Implement targeted interventions to address identified factors, such as improving library resources, enhancing classroom environments, and providing faculty development programs.
