Effect of Virtual Reality as a Training Strategy on Obstetric Nursing Students’ Skills, Self-confidence and Satisfaction regarding Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation during Pregnancy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

2 Lecturer of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University. Egypt.


Background:  Virtual reality (VR) is a cutting-edge technology that has the potential to help nursing students enhance their skills in virtual hospital environments. It offers a wide range of sensory information, enabling the user to engage with objects in a virtual environment. Aim: This research aimed to evaluate effect of virtual reality as a training strategy on nursing students’ skills, self-confidence and satisfaction regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation during pregnancy. Research design: A quasi-experimental research design (two groups "control /study", ″Posttest only″) was utilized. Setting: The research was conducted at obstetric clinical skills laboratory/ faculty of nursing/ Benha University. Sampling: 110 nursing students who were studying the course of obstetrics and gynecological nursing; selected by a systematic random sample. Tools of data collection: Four tools were implemented: Structured self-administered questionnaire (Personal characteristics and Nursing students' knowledge questionnaire) Observational checklist for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, nursing student’s self-confidence questionnaire, and student’s satisfaction questionnaire. Results: There was a highly statistically significant difference between the control group and the VR group on the overall mean score of the nursing students' knowledge and skills after using VR. There was a statistically significant difference between the control group and the VR group in terms of students' satisfaction and self-confidence. Conclusion: Virtual reality as a training strategy had a clear effect on improving obstetric nursing students’ knowledge, skills, self-confidence and satisfaction regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation during pregnancy. Recommendations: It is recommended that future research endeavors capitalize on the implications of employing VR within the educational landscape.
